I havent updated my blog for a while, so I thought I’d post an entry telling you all what I’ve been up to for the past month..
Having spent some time with the Microsoft Sync Framework, I did a talk on getting started with the Sync Framework. Covering how it works, how to get started and some best practices and workarounds. Basically enough to start using it.
I’ve had some encouraging feedback from people saying that they are now investigating using it in some real projects, as well as 5 new projects that are using it for real now.
I did this talk, with variations (you learn what works and what doesnt, based on feedback and peoples questions) 4 times for NxtGenUG, in Oxford, Southampton and Coventry. And again when our scheduled speaker cancelled at the last minute in Cambridge.
With Coventry being my ‘Local’ NxtGen, I decided that, as this session included demos, the audience needed some protection from the demo gods.. Robert Minchin, one of the Oxford Coordinators, took this literally 😉
To read more about the event, visit this event page on NxtGenUG.
It was good to see this level of interest, and nice to meet a larger section of our members in the flesh. Thanks for coming and saying hello guys and girls…
I also did a Media Center presentation for VBUG, Bracknell at the last minute. (By last minute I mean I didnt know I was doing it until that morning!). The speaker had cancelled, Tim Leung asked for help, and I’m happy that I was able to oblige.