Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Presenting at the Lloyds building

24 Mar

I’m presenting to the Managing General Agents’ Association (MGAA) on how to “Supercharge Your Premium Income Overnight”!

In the Old Library at Lloyd’s on Monday 27 March 2017 (1-2pm), we’ll talk about some key money makers for your business, help stop the sabotage that’s happening in your business and ensure you have the tools to be able to significantly boost your sales.


If your’e a broker for an MGA, do please tell me anything you think the MGA could do to let you sell more, or just make your life easier, and i’ll do my best to discuss it in the presentation. I promise I wont mention you in any way you can be identified..


Showcasing Amber, the next version of SchemeServe

06 Feb


In the middle of all the snow and ice came an event to warm your cockles. We launched the next update to SchemeServe Insurance Software – codenamed Amber.

Dispite all the bad weather, loads of our customers came along to the shindig in Cambridge to see what new innovations we had for them..



DDD North – My Session on Kinect – Feedback

13 Oct

Thanks to all of you for the great feedback on my session about Kinect. I’ve shared the feedback I got on this post, but you might need to click on the picture to make it big enough to read, but I wanted to share it in the same format as I got it.

Looks like I need to work on the abstracts a little, but overall I’m pretty damn chuffed – thanks.




DDD North 1 – Done and Dusted

12 Oct

Well, the first DDD North is over. It was a load of fun and Andy Westgarth and his team did a fantastic organisation job. I say “team”, but a large number of the people helping out were family. It was amazing the number of family members that had gotten stuck in to help, both adults and children alike. It made the the event feel different to others. Even the geek dinner on the night, paid for by DevExpress, was organised so that rather than being a in a local pizza place, ended up at the Staduim of Light, With a family carvery – I had to drive to Bristol that night, but there was no way I was going to miss it!


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Speaking at DDD North on 8th October

04 Sep

Firstly, thanks you all of you that voted for my session, “Kinect The Dots”, for DDD north. I’m pleased to say that your votes mean I got the speaking slot and will be there on the 8th October talking about the wonderful things you can do with Microsoft Kinect and its SDK.

Hope to see you there!


Vote for DDD North sessions

31 Aug

The voting for DDD north is currently open and will remain so until Saturday.

I’ve got a couple of sessions submitted, including one on the Kinect SDK which a blogged about a earlier this year.

If you’d like to see that session, then you need to vote for it.. It wont happen without your votes!

Head on over to to vote.


Update: I’m now speaking at DDD north. Hope to see you there!


DDD9 Session rerun

20 Feb

Thank you to all of those of you who have asked for a repeat of the DDD9 session I did in January on Home Automation.

Due to popular demand, and the availability of the Fire Brigade, I’ll be repeating – with a few minors changes – at NxtGen Coventry in April. You can register for the event here


Some videos from DDD9 Sessions

05 Feb

Noticed some sessions at DDD9 were recorded, and are now available on vimeo, curtesy of @plip

Heres the links

Andy Gibson – What’s New In ASP.NET MVC 2.0 and 3.0 —
Helen Emerson – CSS is code, how do we avoid the usual code problems? —
Paul Stack – Beginners Guide To Continuous Integration —
Mike Hadlow – Monads! What are they and why should I care? —
Liam Westley – Go Asynchronous With C# 5.0 —

DDD9 – The Home Automation talk

03 Feb

John Price at DDD9

Last Saturday, I was at DDD9 at Microsoft Uk in Reading. As usual it was an excellent day, full of buzz.

I did a session on Home Automation, but you know me, its never an ordinary session, and this one came for the Captains Ready Room and on the Holodeck, on board the USS Enterprise.;-)

I’d like to thank all those people that came along – it was a packed room with people standing at the back and sitting on the floor at the front – Your support and attention meant a lot to me.

I’d also like to thank Charles Adams for driving down from the midlands, just so he could inject some anecdotes about setting up and operating his X10 equipped house.

During the session I said I had a X10 Starter Kit to give away. It contains an X10 PC Controller, a Light Module, an Appliance Module and a copy of Vista Home software to run it all.

My intention was to give this away on the day, but that proved to be a little difficult – so I thought I’d do it online and post the stuff out.

To have a chance of winning this, leave me a comment with a suggestion of what you consider might be a good use of home automation, and I’ll pick out my favourite. I know that the DDD guys are sending a link out to the slides so hopefully everyone should see this.

I’ll close the competition, put up the suggestions and notify the winner a couple of weeks after the link goes out.

You can download the slides from here


Speaking at DDD this month

03 Jan

First a big thanks to all of you that voted for my session (Tea, Earl Grey, Hot) for DDD9 at Microsoft Reading later this month!

Its all about home automation, and while I have a plan (honest!)  I’d thought I might try something a little different and ask if theres anything specific people might want to see how to go about automating. Now, if no one comes up with anything, thats ok, as I say I have a plan anyways, but I might just find some cool swag for any suggestions I use… (no not £250 and I wont promise to return your suggestions either!)

Hope to see you there. Even if you dont end up coming to my session, do say hi.

PS. If this DDD registration is anything to go by you need to be ready to register PRONTO! Last time it took less than 15 minutes to get to full, this time its likely to be faster still.

Check out for the definitive details, but I think the plan is to open registration tomorrow(4th Jan) @ 13:37 (ish)… Just be careful not to break the F5 key..!