Archive for the ‘Servers’ Category

Bing – The Soap Opera!

19 May

This could be the start of a new cult over here in the UK. Bing – Los Links  !

Episode 1: 

Episode 2:


Windows Home Server

27 Feb

I sent some time looking details for Windows Home Server beta, as the marketing fluff sounds really cool. I came across a blog entry by Barry Dorrans that talks about what its been like to spend a week with it.

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Posted in Servers


Service Pack 2 available for SQL Server and Server Express

24 Feb

Microsoft have released SP2 for SQL server and express additions. This is the version that fixes some compatability issues running on Vista, as well as includes a whole host of new goodies.

As well as the traditional host of fixes, the new service park offers compression for some data warehousing applications, and other performance boosts. Theres a number of improvements in management for DB administrators and a new database wizard for better reporting.

Installing SP2 is straight forward, after agreeing to the UAC prompt and the licence agreement, you are presented with a list of which components you already have installed. Click Next a few times and it happens without any fuss.

You can download SP2 for SQL Server from here, or for SQL Express from here.