Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category

Windows 8 – Get it Here

15 Jun

This is a short post containing the location of the Windows 8 Preview downloads, so its easier for me to tell people where to get it.

Also, while the product key needed is on that same page, I still get people asking what it is, seems they get excited and hit the download button as soon as they see it and dont read the next two lines!

anyways, heres the product key TK8TP-9JN6P-7X7WW-RFFTV-B7QPF

It’ll work until the RTM version is out, then you’ll have to get your own 😉


Windows 7 UK wallpaper – Find the Castle

02 Dec

Bit of discussion in the office todaty about where the castle by the river is. After several suggestions, I resorted to the universal search engine, G….er…Bing.

Found out its Conwy Castle in Wales.

Heres a list of where the other pictures were taken, just to be complete.


Mini Service Pack for Vista

09 Aug
One of my pet hates in Vista is how long it takes to decide to tell me how long its going to take to copy a file. This, is really a small point, but as the rest of the OS is so good, these minor things really stand out.

Reading Ian Moulsters blog this morning, it turns out there’s a service pack for these minor bugettes. (note bugette = small bug, not a long sandwich!).

Here’s the link to it.
Just a minor observation, this fix doesn’t seem to be picked up by Windows Update. Hopefully it will over the next few days.


Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update For Vista

07 Mar

If you are doing development on Vista, particularly web development, then, following on from SP1, you will have been waiting for this update for development on Vista. Download it from here.


Service Pack 2 available for SQL Server and Server Express

24 Feb

Microsoft have released SP2 for SQL server and express additions. This is the version that fixes some compatability issues running on Vista, as well as includes a whole host of new goodies.

As well as the traditional host of fixes, the new service park offers compression for some data warehousing applications, and other performance boosts. Theres a number of improvements in management for DB administrators and a new database wizard for better reporting.

Installing SP2 is straight forward, after agreeing to the UAC prompt and the licence agreement, you are presented with a list of which components you already have installed. Click Next a few times and it happens without any fuss.

You can download SP2 for SQL Server from here, or for SQL Express from here.